Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wednesday Weigh-In No. 8

Previous Weight: 164
Current Weight: 164

Good news: I'm down a size and I need a new wardrobe. Bad news: I'm down a size and I need a new wardrobe.

Yeah, it's a good feeling to have my pants hanging off of me, but it's an even better feeling to wear clothes that fit. Unfortunately, I'm not independently wealthy and I can't just buy new clothes for each size I go down.

You'd think I'd be upset at my numbers (see above). But I've said all along that it's not the weight loss so much as dropping sizes, and since I've done that, I'm happy. I mean this week I stayed even -- not surprising considering I didn't exercise or quell my drinking habits this week, which include a fondness for a new drink of choice, namely vodka cranberry -- and I'm OK with that. If I really was shooting for poundage, I'd have gotten off my ass this week and worked out. But I didn't. That's simply because non-work related issues threw me for a loop this weekend, and contributed to a certain bull-headed apathy to which I'm prone. And that translates into me saying, screw it, I'm gonna drink if I feel like it, eat if I feel like it and veg out on the couch if I feel like it, even when I know better.

I know, I know, that's hurting no one by myself, but we all need to relax and recharge on occasion, particularly when we have stressful events crowding in on our sanity. Such was the case for me this week. The fact that I didn't gain any weight from the insane topsy-turvy events that peaked for me this weekend, is a miracle in itself. And I'm grateful for it.

There's always hope for next week, though the weeks left in this competition are dwindling. I'm not the only one whose weight loss has flattened out, though. Boss was the big loser this week with a whopping (note my ironic choice of adjective) 2 pounds. Even Big Loser and Miss Competitive tied each other for a loss of 1.5 pounds each. This may, or may not, motivate the lot of us to make those numbers grow next week. We shall see.

Until then, it's Slim Fast breakfast shakes and Lean Cuisine lunches. And perhaps a few less vodka-crans for me. Oh, who am I kidding. They make fat-free cranberry juice, don't they?


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