Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Week One has come and gone.

We're scheduled for our first real weigh-in tomorrow. We have decided to keep the public info about our progress to a minium: That means we're only allowed to know gains and losses rather than weights. For those of us sensitive to the numbers, it's a blessing.

But honestly, making this a competition is a bit tough for those of us who aren't necessarily competitive types. For example, I'm cringing at the thought that I will have gained weight (or even maintained my current weight), because I know full well the quarterbacks of the group will have spent the last week dieting, exercising, pill-popping, starving, whatever, in preparation for this weigh-in.

And I haven't been doing any of that, really.

Sure I'm dieting: I've been fairly good at keeping my caloric intake between 1200 and 1800 calories a day. If I hit the high end of that range one day, I try to make up for it the next by hitting the low end (an apple for dinner, etc., etc.). Great fun.

But exercising is a whole nuther thing. Since I used to be fit — I used to hit the gym 3 hours a day, 4 days a week, in case you were wondering — I know that dieting is useless without burning calories through activity, stimulating the metabolism and all that. But here's the thing: I work. A lot. And I have kids. A lot of kids. And so my time for extracurricular activities is ... uh ... nonexistant.

I try to make up for it: parking at the end of the parking lot, taking the stairs, walking to my mailbox rather than driving to the end of the driveway (yes, people really do that). You know, all the ridiculous little tips you can find in any filler article on a diet or fitness product's advertorial web site. Honestly, it's bullshit in my opinion.

Nothing substitutes good, old-fashioned workouts. Nothing.

Right now it's no big deal that I haven't exercised. This competition is still all in good fun. The heartbreak (which is sure to come) hasn't set in yet. If you like drama, you'll want to keep tabs on this blog. The whole point of sharing this process is to showcase the roller coaster ride attributed to losing weight. We've just hopped on, baby.

Anyway, here's the plan: I'll check back in tomorrow after the weigh-in and list the stats as I know them. There'll be tears. There'll be cries of disbelief. There'll be snarls of competitive jealousy. Yes I'm talking about me. I'll try not to be too big a sore loser ... er ... non-loser.

And I'll start exercising next week. I promise.


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