Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wednesday Weigh-In No. 5

Previous Weight: 166.5
Current Weight: 167

Two words: Damn it!

I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. This has been a frustrating week. I spent the entire weekend rewarding my week's worth of hard work with sloth and gluttony (a long-held habit I am finding very hard to break). If I were actually exercising properly, replacing the fat lost with muscle, I wouldn't worry about gaining half a pound. It wouldn't dissapoint me as much as it is now.

But the bare, ugly, naked, fat-ass fact is this: I'm not exercising. I'm not taking myself seriously enough (in this competition or otherwise). I have no desire to beat myself up about it, but I'm pretty damned dissapointed.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

In other news, this little blog of mine stirred up a little bit of controversy last week. I made it public last week, to the office and to the world, and the reactions were mixed. Some liked it. Some didn't. Some were offended. Some just didn't like the monikers I gave them. Dropout said that her name didn't do her justice. Something more indicitive of her personality would be better, like Girl-With-Crush-On-Craig-Melvin. And Another Coworker had a couple things to say. First, her discussion about not exercising and losing weight was misconstrued. And second that Another Coworker is an awfully dismissive name. I agree. Henceforth, Another Coworker shall be called Bushes. (We'll see how well that one goes over.)

Big Loser lost another 3 and a half pounds this week. It's amazing to watch, really, and inspirational. She looks so good and wears a smile big enough to encompass all the pounds she's lost. You can't help but feel happy for her, even if she is bending you over and kicking your ass in the competition.

Boss had a different reaction to Big Loser's feat, one that I won't repeat here because it might harm delicate ears or stunt developing minds (and is always fairly surprising coming from a guy with two kids who grows beet red whenever someone talks about sex). You can tell he's happy for her, but it still hurts. He gained a half pound this week, too, and says it's a lack of exercise that did it (we're in the same boat with that one). You can see the dissapointment on his face -- just looking at the "big fat cross" (as Miss Competitive put it) on the community board denoting a plus 0.5 of weight gain makes us both sad.

Others are doing well. Bushes has lost a total of seven pounds so far, and hasn't weighed in yet today. She looks good, and swears she feels better just because she's eating better. I'm really curious how far she'll go. She does exercise, too, by the way.

Another staff member, He Who Shall Remain Nameless, got up this morning to exercise, and it showed: he lost a pound this week (and lost six pounds total with not that much to lose in the first place) and is deservedly proud about his progress. As for the rest of us, it seems most are doing a bit of a roller coaster -- a pound up one week, a pound down the next. Every pound gained adds a buck to the pot (and dammit again, I'm contributing to it this week). That's good news to Big Loser and Miss Competitive.

But hey, you two girls, don't count the rest of us out just yet. We're five weeks into this 12 week program. Some of us have memorized Aesop's Turtle and the Hare fable and have every intention of being a Turtle to your Hare.

It's wabbit season ladies. And the game is on.


At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi, honey! You gotta start some positive visualization and stop being so negative. You said you've been a skinny girl before, so get out some pictures and put them up around the house. Look at yourself naked in a full length mirror, run your hands all over your body and imagine it smaller in all the right places. Also (from a previous post), sweatpants in bed? I'm appalled. That can't be a comfortable or healthy way to sleep. It takes 5 seconds to put them on in the morning*, and I'm sure your thighs would prefer some air.

I am torn between urging you to read the book I gave you and just leaving you to your misery!

*I haven't exercised in 2 weeks.

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bushes!?!?!? I'm going to kill you Heidi! :)

I want to make something very clear - I have not exercised and haven't in a very long time. Honestly, I don't even know the last time I went for a walk or walked my dogs, for that matter. My goal is to start circuit training that is provided by the nutritionist my husband & I originally met with. We have no time to do a Tues & Thurs night exercise routine. We even moved our furniture around in our den to make room for yoga or aerobics. That hasn't happened either! I walked into the office today completely depressed knowing that I had gained at least 2 lbs. I've cheated all week, started my period, have a family crisis, I'm broke & work has been pretty stressful. I weighed in &, to my surprise, I lost 1 lb! 1 more lb and I'm in a new bracket of weight! Yeah!

The change in diet has definitely helped my weight loss. No bread, flour, corn, sugar, rice or pasta. No beer or liquor, at all! I eat barley now! I eat tons of veggies. I drink wine and lots of it. And because I am eating better, food tastes better and I don't stuff my face. I haven't felt miserable after eating in a very long time.

My husband has lost over 12 lbs & 7% body fat! He's not exercising either. It's literally how he's changed his eating habits. And he's much more strict about it than I am.


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